Telegram is a messaging app that’s popular in Russia and other countries. It has features like stickers, video calling, and encryption that make it fun to use. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create an animation of a waving Telegram logo using the OpenCV library for Python. The following topics are covered:


Telegram中文版 animation background is an animated background for Telegram. With this Telegram app, you can send animations to your friends and family.

The best part about the app is that it has a lot of beautiful animated effects that you can use on your chat window when sharing photos or videos with people in the group chat!

Setting up the environment

To start, click the “+” button on the canvas to create a new project. You can call it whatever you like.

Next, drag and drop the Telegram logo from your computer into the canvas. It will automatically be placed at the center of your canvas. The size should be large enough so that we can see its details in preview mode when we play with it later on! 🙂

Next, drag and drop your background image (or color) over onto the canvas (or simply choose one from our library). In my case, I chose a nice nature-themed wallpaper by artist Ben Dennehy called Autumn Sunset Field which is free for personal use! The size should be as large as possible because we want this to cover our whole screen. Be sure to set its position correctly so that it’s centered and not covering up too much of our logo or animation area; I usually place mine around X = -4000 and Y = 0.

Creating the background animation

To create a background animation, you’ll need to import the following:

-The background image

-The wave image

-The logo image (in this case, we’re using a GIF)

You can also use your images if you’d like. You just need to make sure that they are all of the same size and format for easy alignment in Adobe After Effects. Then add them to your composition. Your next step is to create an animation by setting keyframes for each layer’s position and scale properties over time. This will give us an animated logo that moves around with our background color, which we then apply as a drop shadow behind our text so it appears as though it’s floating above it! Lastly, all we have left to do is add some text before exporting it out as an MP4 file!

Adding the Telegram logo

To add the logo to your animation, you need to import it into After Effects. First, download Telegram下载 the logo from our [logo website]. Then:

-Open an animation file in After Effects, and select File > Import > Import Files into Project.

-Select your logo file (it should be a PNG or JPG), then hit Open. The logo will appear as a red overlay on top of your animation footage in the timeline.

-To resize the logo so that it fits within a square shape, place your cursor over one corner of the image until you see a double arrow icon appear; click once to drag outwards and resize accordingly.

Designing the wave object

-Start with a simple wave object

-Make it move and look like a wave

-Add sound effects to make it seem more realistic

Animating the wave object

You can use the same technique to animate other objects. For example, you can animate the background color of your slide by creating a new image and placing it in the background of your animation with a transparency of 50%.

You can also animate text by applying an opacity style to it that takes effect when a keyframe is reached.

Animating the background color

You can use the in-app color picker to select any color you like. Just make sure it has good contrast with whatever text is on screen, and try not to go too far off into the realm of neon pink.

After selecting your desired shade, copy down its RGB value or hex value (depending on which method you used).

Animation is fun and easy to do

Animation is fun and easy to do. You can use animation for many things, including:

-To make a video that explains how to fix your car.

-To show how to draw a cartoon character.

-For an online explainer video about how your product works or what it does.

Animation is fun and easy to do! It’s also very useful for many different things, such as…


Hopefully, this tutorial has inspired you to create your animations using the same tools and techniques. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them below!

By admin

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